
The school library has a good collection of books. this include various academic books,novels story books and also the books which help the students to analyze various
The school offers computer science as a subject from class 2nd on wards and coaches all students according to the syllabus. school started english language lab which improves fluency in english, technical support given by

A student prefectural board is constituted to involve them in planning, organizing and implementing all the activities with guidance from teachers, thus inculcating in them leadership qualities and a sense of responsibility towards their school friends and themselves
Continuous Evaluation of students is an integral part of instructional process of NewGen. Learning has a number of advantages
Students are prepared to perform well under pressure of time constraints. They develop the ability to organize the available time well
Feed back from testing allows close monitoring positive Phone Cell intervention and follow up

The progress of each child is continuously followed up and monitored. They are advised given guidance and encouraged by their teachers. Parents and teachers work as partners in helping the children
To instill moral values in the students, each working day in the school starts with a morning assembly with recitation of veda mantras,devotional and patriotic songs short talks are given by students as well as teachers on a variety of subjects such as good manners, hygiene and important events of day-to-day life every morning assembly disperses with the singing of the national anthem