Welcome to Newgen High School
Education is an un-ending and on going process. One has to keep the mind within humanity to learn On assuming the office as Principal of the prestigious "NewGen School Of Excellence". Convey my immense pleasure in getting an Opportunity to work and fruitfully interact with all members of staff. students to
In recent years the Newgen has grown abundantly in its size and stature. It is The school library has a good collection of books. This our solemn duty and responsibility to ensure, that purposeful education include various academic books, novels, story books and training of a high standards is imparted to all students to equip them to also the books which help the students to analyze various complete for various careers and course of choice in year to come and cohesive administrative facilities tasks and implement practically. with in available resources are made available to all for shaping up the institution towards attainment of our cherished goals.
I ensure, to the best of my ability for selfless contribution towards the noble cause of building up the ports and Games: institution for all round growth and development of its children. To bring up the school comparably at par Sports and games are compulsory and are an integral part of with others schools of repute. Calls for whole hearted dedication on the part of students, staff members as well as one associated school life. The school provides facilities for games such as well as every one associated with the school. Let us therefore remember that
Primary School
The stronger the roots the more stable in the tree and in primary group all activities are center around the creativity and spontaneity the students.
Varied activity in lerning
Continuous on going effective communication
Development of inter personal skills
Science projects
Introduction to computers
To sculpture the students towards the competitive world Newgen follows syllabus equal to ICSE standard
High School
Keeping pace with the changing times, IT education is given priority Newgen follows the state syllabus from class V to X. All the teaching staff members are trained to conduct classes through teaching aids and modern techniques. on proficency in English, Telugu and Hindi
Students friendly teachers are highiy supportiv to young buds. compulsory weekiy two value eduction class for personality development
All experiments and projects are done under the guidance of our vigilant staff.
Crest Or Logo
The logo symbolises offering the light of konwledge and encourages each and every one to be and confident. the name Newgen means New Generation natured with up to date knowledge.